Mona Shadded, Pharm.D. Candidate 2027
The APhA-ASP Counseling Competition serves an intuitive purpose-- it evaluates students’ abilities to effectively counsel patients. The 2024 edition of the competition had many qualified participants but ultimately, three students came out on top: Justina Didonato (first place), Zayda Habib (second place), and Liliia Fedora (third place). We are celebrating our pride in these winners’ commitment and incredible performances through interviews, giving us a glimpse of their process, experience, and takeaways.
What encouraged you to enter the competition?
Justina Didonato: The opportunity to refine my communication skills and challenge myself to represent our pharmacy school motivated me to enter the APhA-ASP's NPCC competition.
Zayda Habib: I remember back in P3, Professor Gonzalez told me in PHM 322 that I should try out for the APhA counseling competition and said I had potential to do well. Fast forward two years, I saw the competition sign-up announcement and decided to give it a go.
Liliia Fedora: During my P4 year, we had scheduled some practice counseling sessions in our Principles of Health Behavior and Patient-Provider Communication class. It was there where Professor Hodurski motivated me to continue improving by saying that she was impressed by my skills. From there, I saw the competition as a great way to continue building on those skills.
How did you prepare yourself?
Justina Didonato: I prepared by not only dedicating extra time to studying frequently prescribed medications, but also investing time to understand how to effectively connect with patients.
Zayda Habib: I reviewed the counseling rubric to give myself a refresher and reminded myself to stay calm and collected. I’m usually very comfortable with counseling and wanted to make sure I didn’t psych myself out.
Liliia Fedora: I navigated tertiary resources to search required counseling information as well as timed myself to ensure I will not exceed the time limit.
What did you like about the experience?
Justina Didonato: I appreciated the chance to apply my knowledge in a competitive setting and receive constructive feedback from faculty.
Zayda Habib: I liked how the competition environment was very calm and we were able to practice counseling without feeling the pressure of grading.
Liliia Fedora: Being able to practice how to provide patients with proper medication counseling. It was a great opportunity to brush up on those skills, especially before APPEs.
What would you do differently next time?
Justina Didonato: Next time, I would focus on refining my communication techniques and allocate more time for preparation to enhance my confidence and adaptability.
Zayda Habib: I don’t think I would do anything differently. Counseling skills come with practice and real-life experiences.
Liliia Fedora: There is always room to improve, hence I will try to adopt new communication strategies by applying active listening and mutual eye contact to establish stronger relationships with the patient.
What is one takeaway from this competition you want to share with the audience?
Justina Didonato: One takeaway from this experience is the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement. Although winning this competition was very rewarding, enhancing my medication knowledge and strengthening my communication skills is truly fulfilling regardless of any awards or accolades.
Zayda Habib: If you see an opportunity, go for it! Be it a competition, scholarship application, extra credit, etc. You never know what could happen.
Liliia Fedora: Do not be afraid to turn dreams into goals and goals into reality.