Mashtura Tashnuva, Pharm.D. Candidate 2027
As December whispered its final tales, I found myself standing at the crossroads of reflection and resolution. The past year with all its ebbs and flows had left many new memories and experiences. However, amidst all this, I often felt a lingering apprehension of not having enough time. I suspect this is what it feels like to grow up-- to have the realization that time is finite, that I am finite. As time relentlessly keeps marching forward, I need to keep moving, continuing the story of my life. Thus, my New Year’s resolution for 2024 will be a promise for a new beginning. I want to move forward with purpose, embracing all the opportunities of the present and accept all the regrets of my past. I will try to become even closer with my family and appreciate them for all the compromises and sacrifices they continue to make for me. Most importantly, I desire to find balance and to prioritize what truly matters for me. This will help me ensure that as the years unfold, I am not only just growing older but also savoring the richness of the journey and all the people that have remained throughout it with the bittersweet month of December to remain a catalyst and a reminder of my promises made.